Testimonials - ProBa Russian Language School
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Pierre, France, November 2021

The school is well organized, the quality of the class is high and the teachers very skilled.
I would like to add a bit of grammar in the group. My host family Marina is very good and friendly.

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Thomas, Germany, October 2021

Very efficient course – small group size. Было очень приятно у вас. Спасибо за все!

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Charlotte Wrigley, UK, 2021

A very friendly school with good teacher and good support 🙂

Charlotte Wrigley

Corinne Sera, Spain, 2020

Thank you very much, it was respect. Благодарю вас всех за интересный и увлекательный курс. До встречи в следующем году!!!  🙂  😀  😉 

Corinne Sera                                         

Antonio Sancho Lizaga, Spain, 2020

I had a great time in the school, I feel that my level improved a bit and I could learn new things and refresh old stuff.
The staff is very good and accommodation.

Antonio Sancho Lizaga                                       

Christian Kohlheim, France, 2020

Your school seemed to me the more reliable and the more serious.
If you are serious about learning Russian, if you are keen on knowing everything one needs to marker Russian grammar and all level, vocabulary then Proba school is you school, I think this is where you can find the best teachers you will ever meet. Working hand you will make quickly a big step a head.

Christian Kohlheim                   

Raymond Dupuis, Canada, 2020

Мне очень нравились русские занятия с Мариной. Она дала мне много ключей к лучшему пониманию русского языка!! 😀 

Raymond Dupuis                                 

Gerard Moutet, France, 2020

The school proposition corresponds to my needs: good location, flexibility, reasonable price.
The courses and teacher fully correspond to the need I expected. Very helpful atmosphere in the school.

Gerard Moutet                       

Evelin Wentland, Germany, August 2019

Thank you very much for some great two weeks at your language school. The lessons were fun and I enjoyed the time in class. It helped me to understand Russian grammar better and I’m motivated to keep studying!

Evelin139 /at/ yahoo.de

Christine Schlecht, Germany, August 2019

Thank you for two wonderful weeks, I could really improve my Russian. My Russian host was very nice and we had a lot of interesting conversations and even parties.

Christine.schlecht /at/ yahoo.com

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