Dina Staats, Holland, July 2008 - ProBa Russian Language School
Home Testimonials Dina Staats, Holland, July 2008

Dina Staats, Holland, July 2008

learned a lot. Especially the combination of lessons and communication with the host family was very good. Balance between different aspects is very good. More stress is on grammar and conversation, than on reading and writing, which I consider a good balance.
You offered the most interesting programme in comparison with other schools. I was very happy the school organised the trip to Novgorod. It would have been great if also more activities were organised, but I understand that I stayed in St. Petersburg during “very hot saison”.
I can recommend take lessons in the ProBa Language school very much. I could advise you to stay with a host family, as this will help you a lot to learn how to speak Russian.


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