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The 2nd of February – The day of victory in the Battle of Stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad was a major battle at the Eastern front line during World War II. And the strategic centre in south of the USSR was Stalingrad (now Volgograd)….

St. Tatiana’s day or Students’ Day

The roots of this holiday go deep into the 18th century when Empress Elizabeth of Russia signed the petition to establish Moscow State University (1755). Accidently this event coincided with…

May 1 or International Workers’ Day

This day has become a part of vast May celebrations that actually consist of 2 holidays: International Workers’ Day and Victory Day. In Russia these holidays and days preceding or…

Shrovetide – Maslenitsa

Shrovetide in Russia (or Maslenitsa) is one of the most cheerful and popular holidays all over the country. The major part of the celebration takes part on last Sunday before…

Defender of the Fatherland Day – day of Army

Originally the holiday marks the first mass draft to the Red Army in 1919. Its aim was to honour all the people who served in the army, both men and…

The Old New Year

The Old New Year is a traditional Russian holiday that takes place on January 14. It is celebrated by the Julian Calendar, according to which the beginning of the new…

Bronze Horseman

The Bronze Horseman is a statue of Peter the Great. In Russian language it has also received the name of the Copper Horseman (though being made of bronze) thanks to…

St. Michael’s Castle – study excursion

St. Michael’s Castle is situated in the historic centre of St. Petersburg. It is one of the most significant architectural monuments of the XVIII century. It has become the only…

Field of Mars – school excursion

Its story began in XVIII century with the foundation of St. Petersburg and took two centuries to become what it is today. At Peter I times there was a post…

The Spit of Vasilievsky Island

Vasilievsky Island was originally planned by Peter the Great as the center of the city. He considered several projects for the site during his reign, but the development was delayed,…

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